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الرئيسية » simple words I need help

simple words I need help

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

Hello every one

can u help me to write a paraghraph
about the steps to do any kind of sala
or sandwish in english
and arabic
I am really weak in english writing


5 أفكار بشأن “simple words I need help”

  1. There is simple steps to make Potato salad. First clim and peel potatoes amd cut into small cubes. Then, mix yougrt with mayonnais. After that
    Mix potatoes with onions, cilantro and green onions, chicken meat, salt and pepper and mix mayonnaise and yogurt

    Next put it in the freg for 10 minutes. Finally
    Power can be placed in a large dish.

    بنات لو سمحتوا ابا استخدم when و While
    وابا بعد ازيد جمل

  2. البنات ساعدوج
    بس ملحوظة اول جمله there is steps???
    there are stepsوالصح
    خطوات جمع بتستخدمى ار للجمع
    بتستخدمى there is a step
    خطوة مفرد وبالتالى استخد از
    فاى جمله اضيف ار او از تبعا للكلمة التاليه مفرده او جمع

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