بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
You can feel her Innocence in form a daughter
You can feel her care in form a sister
YOu can feel her warmth in form a friend:22 (29):
you can feel her passion in form of a beloved
you can feel her deduction in form a wife
You can feel her divinity in form of a mother:22 (1):
you can feel her blessings in form of grandmother
her heart is so tender:22 (26):
so sharing
she is a woman
she is life
You can feel her Innocence in form a daughter
You can feel her care in form a sister
YOu can feel her warmth in form a friend:22 (29):
you can feel her passion in form of a beloved
you can feel her deduction in form a wife
You can feel her divinity in form of a mother:22 (1):
you can feel her blessings in form of grandmother
her heart is so tender:22 (26):
so sharing
she is a woman
she is life