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الرئيسية » This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!!!

This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!!!

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

A few days ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets president Barack Obama…

The instructor told Mori Prime Minister, when you shake hand with President Obama, please say ‘how r u’.
Then Mr. Obama should say, ‘I am fine, and you?’ Now, you should say ‘me too’. Afterwards we, translators, will do the work for you.’

It looks quite simple, but the truth is…

When Mori met Obama, he mistakenly said ‘who r u?’ (Instead of ‘How r u?’.)

Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor:
‘Well, I’m Michelle’s husband, ha-ha…’

Then Mori replied ‘me too, ha-ha.. .’.

Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.

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