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الرئيسية » سؤال ابا الاجابة بأسرع وقت لو سمحتواااا

سؤال ابا الاجابة بأسرع وقت لو سمحتواااا

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

الغاليات عندي سؤاااال وابا اجابة السؤال باسرع وقت اذا سمحتن

ليش لون الحليب أبيض؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟


4 أفكار بشأن “سؤال ابا الاجابة بأسرع وقت لو سمحتواااا”

  1. Milk has a lot of protein and fat in it. These are relatively large
    groups of atoms called molecules. When light hits the milk, the light is
    scattered off these molecules. This is why if you shine a flashlight
    through a glass of milk, you cannot see the light on the other side. This
    is because the fat and protein molecules disturb the path of the light as
    it tries to go through the milk, making the light change direction. If
    you did the same thing to a glass of water, you could see the flashlight
    through the water. The water does not have these large molecules of
    protein and fat like milk does, so the light passes through the glass of
    water in the same relative direction it entered. In fact, the milk has so
    many of these molecules that all the colors that make up white light are
    scattered, which is what makes the milk look white.

    Try this- take a glass of water and shine a flashlight through it from the
    side. Now take some milk and add it to the water one drop at a time. It
    will only take a drop or two before you can see the ‘beam’ of light from
    the flashlight from the side. This is becuase there is light scattering
    or being deflected off the protein and fat in the milk. You might also
    look and see that the solution now looks a bit blue or gray. If you look
    into the light on the other side of the glass from the flashlight, the
    light will look orange. So the milk is scattering the blue light, and
    allowing the red light to pass. If you keep adding milk, the soluion will
    scatter more and more light and you will see that the light at the other
    side of the glass from the flashlight is dimmer and dimmer. Eventually,
    you will not be able to see the light clearly at all, because it is all
    scattered, making the milk look white.

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